Tuesday, February 15, 2011


We are taking names for the next Scrap Club that will be starting up when the two current ones end (mid April)  If there are enough people, I will run two clubs again.

In the Scrap Club we will meet once a month for 4 - 6 consecutive months (depending on how many people sign up). Each person in the group will be assigned a month to receive a gift certificate with the value based on each person paying their monthly fee (4 people = $100). Each person commits to paying $25 per month whether or not they can attend each crop.

When we meet each month, we will have a 3 hour crop time, in which you can work on any scrapbooking projects you wish. At each crop, there will be a bonus for all attendees, such as a make and take project for you to complete, a free product, layout kit, etc.

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