Monday, August 16, 2010

Instructors Wanted, Design Team Auditions and Scrap Club Info

Instructors Wanted!
We are looking for creative, inspiring and fresh class ideas for this Fall.  Are you interested in sharing your love of scrapbooking, card making or craft projects? Call Paula and set up a time to discuss all of the benefits teaching will bring to you. 250-992-3920 or email

Design Team Auditions
Kits are now available and projects are wanted back by August 31st so don't wait too long to get yours! Details on the DT Auditions can be found under the Design Team tab of the blog.  Kits have the specific instructions on what you will need to create.  We are looking forward to seeing your creativity!

Scrap Club for Fall
There are a few spots left for the next Scrap Club. It will start September 24th, and it is such a great way to get out and visit with your fellow scrapbookers!

We will meet once a month for 4 - 6 consecutive months (depending on how many people sign up). Each month, one person in the group is the ‘host’. Each person commits to paying $25 per month, and the ‘host’ gets to spend that money at A Page In Time (as a gift certificate). Each person must commit to paying the $25 for the designated time period whether or not they can attend each crop. When we meet each month, we will have a 3 hour crop time, in which you can work on any scrapbooking projects you wish. At each crop, there will be a bonus for all attendees, such as a make and take project for you to complete, a free product, layout kit, etc.

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